ICT Low Level Design

Once the HLD is agreed an instruction to proceed should be issued to ensure that the hardware can be procured within required timescales and the Low Level Design process can be undertaken and agreed before the configuration of the hardware is commenced.

The output of the Low Level Design process is the Low Level Design (LLD), the updated Site Acceptance Test script and the final programme for the deployment of the hardware and testing.

The LLD itself is a document which captures the configuration level design. This document describes in enough detail for someone skilled in the art to be able to configure and deploy the hardware. 

As part of the HLD the delivery methodology will be discussed and documented. Generally we recommend that the initial factory acceptance testing and configuration of the hardware is undertaken by the supplier at their facility prior to bringing the equipment to site. This aligns with the tenants of Modern Methods of Construction de-risking the activity and ensuring that it is a prefabricated deployment to site.

Integrating with the Construction Programme

The ICT Deployment will integrate into the overall construction programme. 

The principal dependencies of the ICT Deployment are:

  1. Instruction to develop the HLD
  2. Instruction to develop the LLD
  3. Instruction to procure the Hardware and Professional Services
  4. ICT Accommodation Readiness
    This is a milestone where the accommodation into which the ICT Active Equipment is to be deployed meets the minimal standard for the safe accommodation of the equipment. This includes complete fabric and finishing, stabilised power, environmental management and provision of a secure environment.
    The definition of what constitutes ICT Accommodation Readiness will be agreed within the HLD Process.

All dependencies on the various stakeholders will be captured and managed through the Dependency Register.